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This function finds the nearest lat/long pairs to another lat/long pair. So in the york building and york crime context, writing nearest(york_crime,york) reads as "find the nearest crime in york to each building in york, and returns a dataframe with every building in york, the nearest york_crime to each building, and the distance in metres between the two. Likewise, you could write nearest(york, york_crime), and this would return the nearest building to every crime. nearest assumes that the names of the latitude and longitude are "lat" and "long", but you can provide these names.


  nearest_lat = "lat",
  nearest_long = "long",
  to_lat = "lat",
  to_long = "long"



a dataframe containing latitude and longitude.


a dataframe containing latitude and longitude.


name of latitude in nearest_df.


name of longitude in nearest_df.


name of latitude in to_df.


name of longitude in to_df.


dataframe of "to_df" along with the nearest "nearest_df" to each row, along with the distance between the two, and the nearest_id, the row position of the nearest_df closest to that row.


nearest(nearest_df = york_crime,
        to_df = york)
#> # A tibble: 2,944 × 22
#>    to_id nearest_id distance long_to lat_to object_id desig_id pref_ref name    
#>    <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>     <int> <chr>       <int> <chr>   
#>  1     1         33    36.0    -1.09   54.0      6144 DYO1195    463280 GUILDHA…
#>  2     2        183     4.30   -1.09   54.0      6143 DYO1746        NA Bootham…
#>  3     3        183    35.8    -1.09   54.0      6142 DYO1373    462942 BOOTHAM…
#>  4     4        183    89.1    -1.08   54.0      6141 DYO1745        NA Bootham…
#>  5     5        942   236.     -1.10   53.9      6140 DYO14      325952 CHURCH …
#>  6     6        942   236.     -1.10   53.9      6139 DYO14      325952 CHURCH …
#>  7     7        245    60.6    -1.08   54.0      6138 DYO1226    463228 NUMBER …
#>  8     8        264    60.9    -1.08   54.0      6137 DYO1226    463228 NUMBER …
#>  9     9       1106    91.8    -1.08   54.0      6136 DYO421     464726 TERRY M…
#> 10    10        184    23.9    -1.08   54.0      6135 DYO978     463684 NA      
#> # ℹ 2,934 more rows
#> # ℹ 13 more variables: grade <chr>, category <chr>, persistent_id <chr>,
#> #   date <chr>, lat_nearest <dbl>, long_nearest <dbl>, street_id <chr>,
#> #   street_name <chr>, context <chr>, id <chr>, location_type <chr>,
#> #   location_subtype <chr>, outcome_status <chr>

# you can use the pipe as well

york_crime |> nearest(york)
#> # A tibble: 2,944 × 22
#>    to_id nearest_id distance long_to lat_to object_id desig_id pref_ref name    
#>    <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>     <int> <chr>       <int> <chr>   
#>  1     1         33    36.0    -1.09   54.0      6144 DYO1195    463280 GUILDHA…
#>  2     2        183     4.30   -1.09   54.0      6143 DYO1746        NA Bootham…
#>  3     3        183    35.8    -1.09   54.0      6142 DYO1373    462942 BOOTHAM…
#>  4     4        183    89.1    -1.08   54.0      6141 DYO1745        NA Bootham…
#>  5     5        942   236.     -1.10   53.9      6140 DYO14      325952 CHURCH …
#>  6     6        942   236.     -1.10   53.9      6139 DYO14      325952 CHURCH …
#>  7     7        245    60.6    -1.08   54.0      6138 DYO1226    463228 NUMBER …
#>  8     8        264    60.9    -1.08   54.0      6137 DYO1226    463228 NUMBER …
#>  9     9       1106    91.8    -1.08   54.0      6136 DYO421     464726 TERRY M…
#> 10    10        184    23.9    -1.08   54.0      6135 DYO978     463684 NA      
#> # ℹ 2,934 more rows
#> # ℹ 13 more variables: grade <chr>, category <chr>, persistent_id <chr>,
#> #   date <chr>, lat_nearest <dbl>, long_nearest <dbl>, street_id <chr>,
#> #   street_name <chr>, context <chr>, id <chr>, location_type <chr>,
#> #   location_subtype <chr>, outcome_status <chr>